What do I eat?!?! Such a common question from people new to CrossFit and the associated recommendation to lay off the processed grains and sugar.
It's almost like there are no other foods besides those ones....... and perhaps, for some people, that literally seems like the case for them thanks to their previous dietary habits.
But eventually people start to realise the host of options out there. Delicious, real food options, in plentiful supply and variation.
Yet quite often, even after I think someone has grasped the concepts, the same question resurfaces.
What do I eat?!?!
I think what many people are looking for is an exact, step by step, blueprint for their weekly menu. With literally every carbohydrate, protein and fat calculated out for them.
1) there is no really urgent need to do this. Precise measurement of everything you eat will just drive you nuts. And 2) it's really difficult to calculate!
Until now that is.......
Check out THIS WEBSITE and let your OCD self go crazy!!
You can choose how many calories you want to eat, what percentage of carbs, fat and protein they are made up of, how often you want to eat each day, and build meals that meet those requirements with accompanying recipes.
Now I'm not really saying to do this every day for the rest of your life. But a couple of weeks of it, will be great for you to get an understanding of how much you are actually eating and how it affects your performance, so that you can make some subtle tweaks if needed. Once you know your nutritional ballpark, it will be easier to know what foods contain what, if you need to add a few more carbs, or a few less, depending on activity etc.
Partner Workout
Run 4 x 200 with 2 x 9/6/3kg medballs
50 Manmakers 20/12.5kg
Run 800m
100 wallballs 9/6kg
Run 4 x 200 with 2 x 9/6/3kg medballs